Serving & educating each & every Individual for a Preventive & Quality Lifestyle.

Rayo Healthcare

About Rayo Healthcare Private Limited

We at Rayo Healthcare Private Limited have a mission Healthy Life; Healthy Society. A step towards effectively preventing chronic disease, as prevention the first most needed is counselling. During Health counselling, we recognize the influences of where people live and work, their socioeconomic background, education, Current Concern, Lifestyle / Habits, Cumulative Patient Profile, Functional Inquiry Behavioral, Physical Examination, Labs / Investigations, Immunizations, and others.


Educating people about the importance of preventive healthcare is key to making more people aware of a healthy lifestyle and recommendations for Preventive counseling services will help society detect health problems early on before they cause life-threatening diseases that may become more difficult to treat.


“Healthy Life; Healthy Society” existed to change the thought of people about connecting doctors only for illness in society. Important is to visit the Doctor when one is healthy and should ask about Health Prevention. The voice about visiting the doctor during healthy times is most needed in today’s India, this is what the Health Prevention is.



Contact or Whatsapp us @ +91 7600004450. Our representatives will connect with you ASAP.


Get registered and fix the time for a doctor's check-up at home.


A registered preventive doctor will be at your door step.

Why obtain for Our Preventive Healthcare Services?

As we personalize health diagnosis and lifestyle counselling for
preventing chronic condition

We are the first in globe to introducing this service "Preventive Counselling Doctor at Doorstep".
We are one of the best health clinics in town, with over 25 certified and qualified.
We are one of the best health clinics in town, with over 25 certified and qualified.
We are one of the best health clinics in town, with over 25 certified and qualified.
We are one of the best health clinics in town, with over 25 certified and qualified.
We are one of the best health clinics in town, with over 25 certified and qualified.
Lungs / Asthma
We are one of the best health clinics in town, with over 25 certified and qualified.